Toy Recalls Cause Serious Loss of Confidence in Safety of All Goods Manufactured in China
Released on: July 23, 2008, 11:44 pm
Press Release Author: gopi patel
Industry: Small Business
Press Release Summary: After the toothpaste recall, dog food recall and now toys, I will not buy anything that is made in China,\" says Tiffany Ennis a mother of a two year old boy from Avon, Connecticut.
Press Release Body: Nearly 1-in-3 Moms Surveyed Say They Will Not Buy Any Products from China According to a Poll From Online Toy Retailer -
Retailers must take accountability; eBeanstalk lead-testing all toys
The toy recalls from Mattel and Fisher-Price are creating a profound shift in the perceptions of more than just toy safety in moms across the country, according to a study conducted by* The \'ripple-effect\' to curb purchasing of other Chinese goods sold in the U.S. may be greater than anticipated. Specifically, 30% of the moms surveyed said that now they will not buy any goods manufactured in China, not just baby toys or products for their children. And many more, a full 55%, said they are now \"hesitant\" to do so.
\"After the toothpaste recall, dog food recall and now toys, I will not buy anything that is made in China,\" says Tiffany Ennis a mother of a two year old boy from Avon, Connecticut. Prior to the recalls only 12% of moms said they felt toys manufactured in China were unsafe, whereas 71% now feel they are unsafe. In addition, two out of three moms (66%) said that they will not buy any toys manufactured in China for the foreseeable future.
A smaller, but significant, percentage of moms have more extreme views towards products manufactured in China and what should be done about the current safety situation. More than 1-in-3 moms (38%) polled feel that the U.S. should consider banning all baby products manufactured in China, and 26% feel that the ban should extend to all products manufactured in China. While many may not be looking for such a harsh reaction from their government, more than two thirds (67%) of the moms agree that the toy recalls are a symptom of a much bigger overall problem regarding the safety of products being sold in this country.
\"No doubt these strong attitudes stem from the fact that the recent recalls are really hitting home for moms with young children\", says eBeanstalk co-founder Patrick Moore, \"A full one third of those interviewed owned toys on one of the recall lists. And 71% said have searched the Internet for information relating to the recent toy recalls.\" Moore ads, \"When you are dealing with baby toys and toddler toys in particular, when all the children put the toys in their mouths.well, this is serious.\"
For one mom this was especially frustrating. \"It affected our family directly because my son\'s June birthday landed us with a number of the items on the first recall. It was disheartening to have to take away so many of his new toys.\"
While the backlash may seem extreme, most moms are not being unrealistic about their future purchasing. \"It is a sad situation, but it is difficult to find toys not made in China. Toys made in China can be made safely. We just need to be more diligent in monitoring their safety,\" says Christel Kozar, a mom from Parker, CO. Interestingly, only 17% surveyed felt they would not buy toys from Mattel and 14% would not buy from Fisher Price in the foreseeable future.
Overall though, 81% of the moms answering the survey said that moving forward, they will be careful to take note of where the products they purchase for their children are manufactured. And while it remains to be seen whether current concerns translate into significant and lasting changes in U.S. demand for other Chinese goods, it appears that some changes in shopping behavior, certainly by parents with young children, will endure for the foreseeable future. As Katie Statham, a mother of two from Marietta, Georgia put it, \"It scares me a little because I wonder, what\'s next?\"
\"Given the scope of all products from all categories that come from China, we as retailers, must be stronger advocates for our customers and not just rely on the manufacturers\", says Brian Gordon, co-founder of eBeanstalk. \"First, we are working with all of our manufactures to ensure all safety steps have been made in the manufacturing process. If we are not satisfied, we remove the manufacturer from our site. Second, we lead-tested all the toys ourselves. And third, we are offering free lead testing of any toy from any retailer that is brought into our store.\" Adds Gordon, \"We recognize the seriousness of moms\' concerns and are trying to be proactive and helpful. I\'m a new parent too, and I know when it comes to your child\'s safety and health you never compromise.\"
From Kelly Coveny, a mom in Rowayton, CT, \".[It is] reassuring to know there are still companies interested in leading and not just doing the bare minimum.\" is a website dedicated to helping children in their most critical time of development grow their minds and bodies, by supplying the highest quality, professionally screened, stage appropriate baby toys and toddler toys. Launched in September 2006, its founders, former marketing executives Brian Gordon and Patrick Moore, continue to move beyond e-commerce to one that offers those interested in the development of children a place to come together and \"plant the seeds to help children grow\".
*eBeanstalk surveyed over 375 moms with young children (ages 0-5) from 37 states around the US.
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Contact Details: eBeanstalk 50 Water Street Norwalk, CT 06854 Phone: 203-854-9600 fax number: 203 854 5590 Email:
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